What's LOVE, Got to do with it...
I've been performing this weekend to 80's music and this lyric just kept popping into my mind...
Then I realized it was my intuition prompting me to write about something bigger: LOVE.
And this is not just because it's the "LOVE MONTH".
The reality is that many people are currently struggling, hurt, scared, and angry. There has been so much fear that has been kicked up, stirred and dumped into our world recently that it's no wonder many are feeling disconnected and afraid.
And there are real and tangible things to be concerned about, don't get me wrong! But when we are stuck in fear, desperation and overwhelm we can't take any action in the right direction.
And as I think about what is it that we need most right now...
"What the world needs now, its love sweet love"...
Oh those songs just keep pouring in...
But in all seriousness, LOVE is at the heart of everything that is good and the we need to become the ambassadors for love.
We need to remember that regardless of political affiliation and who someone voted for, it doesn't immediately make them "just like him".
We need to acknowledge that as a society we will grow and prosper when we come together as brothers and sisters.
That our businesses will flourish when we come from a place of love and abundance rather than scarcity.
That our bodies will heal when we start with loving and appreciating ourselves first.
That our relationships will thrive when we stop "keeping tabs" and we start "giving first".
That when we can approach partnerships of any kind (romantic, business, friendship) from the place of "whomever gives the most wins"...
Then we will truly begin how we have the power to transform or world.
I firmly believe that the secret to world peace is Love. And it starts with self-love.
Why self-love?
Because how we treat ourselves is a reflection of our inner vibration, our mindset and our belief structure. And interestingly how we treat ourselves mirrors how we treat others.
So if you want o be kinder, more peaceful, joyful and lovier towards others you ought to start with you.
Then we must make an effort to LOOK and really see, to LISTEN and really hear, and FEEL and truly sense, who is need of love right now that we can give a hug or squeeze, words of encouragement or affirmation, support, validation or the gift of our full attention and embodied presence.
Even when we don't think someone needs it it's worthwhile giving.
"As love is a perfume you can't pour into others without pouring some in yourself. "
- Ralph Waldo Emmerson
(I'm aware his quote referred to happiness, but I think it can be broadly applied here :-)
When we can remember that we thrive by lifting others, we shine by encouraging others, and we prosper by helping others. We can truly change our world interaction by interaction.
Don't be afraid to give. Do that. Even if people don't reciprocate, do it anyway. Even if others criticize you, even if you feel slapped in the face...do it anyway.
Because the more of us that choose to live in this way, the more we set the model and example that there is an alternate way of living without fear...where LOVE comes first.
So...let me know...what are some fun and loving gestures you can begin practicing and implementing today?
How can you begin expressig your love, appreciation and kindness and begin turning the world into a better place? (Hard to imagine, but just a single smile, a compliment, a kind word, can make someone's day.)