Are you wondering why I’m such a strong advocate of self-love, and even more importantly are you curious about what love has to do with business?
I’m super excited that I was interviewed by the fabulous JP Dixon,
for his Summit:
“Learning to Love Yourself”.You will want to listen to my interview!
It airs tomorrow!So be sure to register
here, so you can get the video and listen to
us talk about self-love and how this relates to healing your
relationship with money, and how this expands to everything else you
do!If you are a purpose-driven or heart-based entrepreneur, I
would say that LOVE has EVERYTHING to do with business!
I strongly believe that “Love expands everything it touches, while
fear constricts everything in its path.”
So, if you want your business, your impact, your income, your purpose
and your spirit, to grow, then my greatest hope is that you understand
that LOVE must be at the core of everything we do!
Love is the ignition to our passion, to our empathy, and our
motivation to create the change we want to see in the world.
One of the greatest gifts (and curse) I have is that I see the
interconnectedness between everything and everyone.
I see connections where most people think that these things should
never come together, like sex, passion, power and money;
as well as love, spirituality, science & business.
Probably one the greatest criticisms I have had, is people telling me
I have to “niche” down, what I do. Perhaps you have heard this advice
as well?
And I have finally realized that my focus resides in, WHO I most like
to serve, support and work with, and that being able to see the inter-
connections and the steps in between these connections are what have
enabled me to be successful, what have allowed me to help others succeed,
and what I ultimately offer the world.
Yes, I focus on helping you expand your business, and generate more money,
but I ALSO believe in spiritual growth as a path to this, as well as expanding
our impact in the world, and how we, as heart-centered entrepreneurs have
I believe love is at the heart of who we are: spiritual beings having
a human experience.
Love travels through relationships, spirit, science and when we allow
it to guide and infuse our businesses, then we have the creation of our
new generation of businesses: Conscious Businesses, which is what I love!
Doing good in the world, while having fun, making money and expanding
your being.
Well, if you would like to watch me, talking about LOVE in regards to
making money, having health, and healing your relationships with
food, money and others, then you will want to register and tune in to
listen to this interview.
Loving yourself first is truly one of the most important things you
will ever do. Join 21+ Experts as they uncover truths, share secrets,
and reveal the richness of self-love.
I will be sharing how self-love practices are CRUCIAL if you want to
start attracting more health, abundance and wealth into your life!
JP is an amazing host and someone who just digs deeper to expand our
understanding. He is so fun, and loving!
My interview AIRS TOMORROW! So be sure to register so you can
hear it!
You will also get access to the interviews of 20 other experts dish and teach about
how self-love is changing lives from many different perspectives. So powerful!
PS. This content came from my upcoming book on “Conscious Love, Conscious Relationships & Conscious Sex”, and I created an awesome gift NOT available anywhere else.
Dr. Estanol is a peak performance psychologist and Intuitive
Prosperity Business Mentor passionate about helping heart-centered
entrepreneurs, turn their passions into lucrative and
transformational businesses. She has a proven system to help you
breakthrough your internal barriers to success, connect to your
intuition, achieve authentic confidence, and take inspired action, in
a genuine way aligned with your highest purpose to maximize your
income and your impact.Interested in receiving her Luminous Stages of Business Development
so you can stop spinning your wheels and start seeing results?